Children’s Services

We provide innovative mental health services, prevention, and early intervention programs at The Parent Child Resource Center. Our clinicians and paraprofessionals look for ways to focus on and nurture clients’ strengths. Despite the hardships our clients face on a personal level, it is their strength and spirit that allows them to trust in others in times of crisis. When children and youth confront problems such as depression, extreme anxiety, abuse, neglect, abandonment and other types of trauma, they often are unable to recognize their strengths. Emotions often become overwhelmingly big and behavioral control can easily be lost. As these emotions and behaviors occur, we ask children and families to believe that they can get better. Our staff offers hope, support and the skills youth and their families need to succeed in the hard work of getting better.

We are located at 30 Elizabeth Street in Derby, CT.
(203) 800-7177

istock 1161232395@2x

Mental Health &
Addiction Services

We provide a comprehensive array of behavioral health services to meet your individual needs and goals.

istock 1205880190@2x

Domestic Violence &
Victim Advocacy

We offer safe shelter, counseling, support and advocacy services for victims of domestic violence.



We offer a wide variety of Supportive & Supervised housing services to our clients.

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